Computer graphics is the science and art of communicating visually via a computer’s display and its interaction devices. The visual aspect of the communication is usually in the computer-to-human direction, with the human-to-computer direction being mediated by devices like the mouse, keyboard, joystick, game controller, or touch-sensitive overlay. However, even this is beginning to change: Visual data is starting to flow back to the computer, with new interfaces being based on computer vision algorithms applied to video or depth-camera input.

A narrow definition of computer graphics would state that it refers to taking a model of the objects in a scene (a geometric description of the things in the scene and a description of how they reflect light) and a model of the light emitted into the scene (a mathematical description of the sources of light energy, the directions of radiation, the distribution of light wavelengths, etc.), and then producing a representation of a particular view of the scene (the light arriving at some imaginary eye or camera in the scene).